summary: Y2K check tools | Where you can find free Y2K Checks, free software downloads and free new news and information to enter the Year 2000 without date related problems. Known problems are ie. ....
y2k check

Y2K: Please don't expect it to all be "taken care" of by someone else.

If you have not taken a serious look at Y2K and its consequences, then we'd encourage you to do so!

It's time to become very active in following Y2K, the wide-spread computer bug which causes many software and hardware products to interpret the year 2001 as the year 1900. This bug can crash an application, or can cause it to return incorrect results, depending on the product. It sounds like a simple problem, but it affects literally millions of computers and embedded processors, and billions of lines of code world-wide.

Maybe you've already upgraded your mission critical applications to be Y2K compliant, but continue additional Y2k testing throughout 1999. We know, most of our web site visitors are using a Windows system. Take a second to check seriously what  consequences the following statements from Microsoft will have for your business, your PC, your network, your back-up, ... 

WINFILE.EXE -           January 1, 2001 would appear as 1/1/;1  ...
COMMAND.COM -      Invalid Date
COMCTL32.DLL -       don't return the proper date
TIMEDATE.CPL-        display the 29th day on years other than leap years
DIALER.EXE -            displays 100, 101, 102, etc.
VDHCP.386 -              returns incorrect date.
XCOPY.EXE -             02/05/01 is seen as 02/05/1901.

Microsoft recommends executing the tests on a "test-bed" machine rather than a production machine.
[source]   [ms year2001]  [ms year2k]

Make sure your company is aggressively fixing the problem in their organization, or you may find yourself unemployed in 2001. The bug has been proven to affect nearly every business at one or more levels. Hiring someone to fix it will become increasingly more expensive as we approach 2001 because of the growing labor shortage.

Y2K recources can be found at many sites on the Web.
We checked out some good tools to fix the Y2K problem.
You know, checking just one PC is a different task then checking a network with some servers and some 100 or some +1000 clients.

Please email some details of YOUR environment to
so that we can provide YOU with the tool or information YOU realy need.

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Last modified: 2001-09-10